With iloggo you can create your own homepage with icons of all your favorite sites, for FREE. Then just touch on mobiles/tablets or click on pc to get quick and easy access to your most frequently visited places. iloggo makes surfing quicker and easier!
You can jump to your favorite magazines, banks, stocks quotes and so on with a single click. iloggo is little bit similar to you windows desktop, just you can choose or crop logos of your most frequently visited sites to recognize them more easily then favicons or screenshots.
You can have few grids (Home grid, Work grid, Hobby...) and finally you can be logged to your homepage on your pc's, mobile and tablet same time. No need to install any app, just register to iloggo on PC and then use any mobile browser to open you iloggo home page with same icons anywhere.
P.S. If you think iloggo this is useful, can you share it with your friends ? Invite them and get more grids for your icons!
iloggo Team
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