Do you remember iloggo ?

Do you remember iloggo ? Are you looking for iGoogle alternative ?

Long time ago you left your email and we promise to inform you about NEW iloggo !
We are back ! NEW iloggo is HERE and also works on mobiles.

Give it a TRY!

iloggo is simple and it works, it will make your day easier and save you a lot of time.

23.10.2013 update

23.10.2013 we did update. If you have some problems with iloggo please:

1. Refresh your browser
2. CTRL + R
3. Clear the history in browser

iloggo Team

iGoogle alternative - homepage with icons of all your favorite sites.

Looking for alternative to iGoogle ? There is many similar to iGoogle sites but we want you to try iloggo.

With iloggo you can create your own homepage with icons of all your favorite sites, for FREE. Then just touch on mobiles/tablets or click on pc to get quick and easy access to your most frequently visited places. iloggo makes surfing quicker and easier!

You can jump to your favorite magazines, banks, stocks quotes and so on with a single click. iloggo is little bit similar to you windows desktop, just you can choose or crop logos of your most frequently visited sites to recognize them more easily then favicons or screenshots.

You can have few grids (Home grid, Work grid, Hobby...) and finally you can be logged to your homepage on your pc's, mobile and tablet same time. No need to install any app, just register to iloggo on PC and then use any mobile browser to open you iloggo home page with same icons anywhere.

P.S. If you think iloggo this is useful, can you share it with your friends ? Invite them and get more grids for your icons!

iloggo Team

"igoogle alternatiiv", "igoogle alternatibong", "iGoogle vaihtoehto", "alternative igoogle", "بديل iGoogle الرئيسية". "igoogle альтэрнатыўныя", "iGoogle alternativa", "igoogle алтернатива", "iGoogle alternativ", "iGoogle vaihtoehto", "εναλλακτική iGoogle", "igoogle alternativa", "igoogle alternatief", "malartach iGoogle", "iGoogleの代替", "igoogle alternativa", "iGoogle에 대안", "iGoogle alternatyva", "iGoogle alternatīva", "iGoogle алтернатива", "iGoogle alternative", "igoogle alternativ", "igoogle альтернативные", "alternativă iGoogle", "иГоогле алтернатива", "iGoogle mbadala", "ทางเลือกของ iGoogle", "igoogle alternatif", "iGoogle alternatív", "iGoogle alternativa"

iloggo is back.... back for good!

Finally after long break as we promised ALL NEW iloggo is back and it's FREE. We are sorry but we have no previous icons and users data but we promise to do our best to not disappear like before.

But... we need your help, help with inviting your friends to join iloggo. For every friend who sign-up to iloggo, we'll give you both extra tab... more friends = more tabs :)

After you sign-up you please visit Referral section and invite as many friends as you could. Please also spread the world about iloggo, this is all we are asking for.

Of course we also wait for comments and suggestions.... so please report problems, suggest changes and so on. We are all here to hear iloggo users and improve, improve, improve

Rafal Mrzyglocki
Tomek Walotek

iloggo Founder

iloggo has been founded by Rafal Mrzyglocki. It has been started with simple HTML web page with logos of all my favorites web destinations. iloggo claims to be an Internet desktop that anyone can simply customize and use to navigate his favorite sites and web apps.

It's a simple web-based tool that you can use to navigate through your favorite destinations - on your PC, mobile or tablet. There is a long story behind it - but the new iloggo you can use now is here because we didn't give up.

New iloggo is coded by Tomasz Walotek, who joins the company in 2012. We still think that internet need a windows kind home page where you click on icons instead of type an address or search in google places you already know.

 If you want to contact founder send a message or visit my profile on LinkedIN.